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The International Festival
Signes de Nuit

is invited by



May 9-17 2014


The Program

The Metrics of Coincidence (Die Metrik des Zufalls)

Werner Biedermann
2012 / 0:04:00

Human life might be regarded as a round dance of mer coincidence, or as the result of either natural, or spiritual determination. In the format of found footage, the film 'The Metrics of Coincidence' presents the essence of a possible design of a biography. By a kind of patchworked parcours through film history, series of frames have been removed from their original context and rearranged into a new one. Thus a 'biography' has been composed: one that is possible only by the means of film montage and the viewer's imagination.

Caroussel (Karuzela)

Marcin Kaminski
2012 / :16:00

The ninth contingent of the Polish Military force in Afghanistan arrived in 2012. A Polish sapperis killed during routine patrol and the news quickly spread to the Polish base. How will the soldiers react to the terrible news? Will it be possible to hold back the rising tide of violence? A penetrating observation of war’s reality and the day-to-day lives of all the actors on that stage, including all hapless innocents.

Living Still Live (La résurrection des natures mortes)

Bertrand Mandico
2012 / 0:15:30

In a world in decay, a woman collects her dead animals and restores them to life by filming them images by image.


A Simpler Life (Et enklere liv)

Gunhild Enger
2013 | 0:15:00

Ing-Marie and Carl are fully occupied. She exercises, he looks after the garden. They surround themselves with devices to simplify their lives, which just makes things even more complicated. The sun is shining, the machines are running, and Carl and Ing-Marie have stopped comunicating.


Gérard Cairaschi
2013 / 0:07:00

Carried by a song, images and fragments of narration intertwine. Simulacrum, magical or religious ritual, ritual of death or rite of passage, nothing is explicit in the action that deploys amongst the characters, between the extreme proximity and, at the same time, the absolute distance expressed by the gestures and bodies.


Desert Hopes

Michael Patten
2013 | 0:9:45

Roko est un homme vieillissant qui vit dans la nostalgie de son passé. Piègé par la ville moderne, Roko réside dans un appartement délabré de New York où il mange des plats chauffés au micro-ondes et regarde sur des cassettes préenregistrées des comptes à rebours de la Saint-Sylvestre des années passées. Un soir, pendant que son repas chauffe au micro-ondes et qu'il regarde une compilation de comptes à rebours des années 2000, sa lapine donne naissance à une portée. Il réchauffe et nettoie les créatures nues, essayant de les protéger du froid. Mais en dépit de ses tentatives de soins, un lapineau meurt ....

Desert Espoirs est un poème imagé qui parle de la fragilité de la vie et de la disparition de l'ancien. Réalisé au long de la trajectoire implacable de la décennie, Roko présente les derniers souffles des débuts organiques de notre existence, une période nostalgique oubliée aujourd'hui au milieu du continuum fabriqué de la culture, du temps et du progrès.




Almost seen (Presque vu)

Cecilia Araneda
2013 | 0:04:10

Lush hand-crafted film footage and HD images combine to reveal a mysterious past through remnants of a memory that is almost remembered, but which never fully develops. A girl speaks, but her words cannot be understood.


Mountain in shadow (Montaña en sombra)

Lois Patiño
2012 / 0:14:00

A poetic view into the relationship of immensity between man and landscape. We contemplate, from the distance, the activity of the skiers on the snowy mountain. The pictorial image and the dark and dreamlike atmosphere transforms the space into something unreal, imprecise, converting it also in a tactile experience.


We will become Oil

Mihai Grecu
2011 | 0:08:00

Une vision apocalyptique et grotesque sur la fin de l'histoire humaine.


Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 - cood.int@signesdenuit.com