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Le 10e Festival International
Signes de Nuit
à Paris

5 - 16 octobre 2012

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Focus Danemark
12 octobre, 2012 / 18 h
Cinéma Acton Chistine


Notes de l'Underground
Notes from the Underground
Notes from the Underground

Isabella Eklöf
2012 | 0:30:00

Karlberg lives in a tedious, soulless Danish small town. His wife is dull and annoying. Karlberg has a little girl locked in the cellar of an abandoned estate that he owns. His wife knows it. She thinks it's disgusting. But she doesn't act. He can control her. The girl dances for him. She does as she is told. Karlberg can even bring friends over to party in the kitchen, and only Karlberg knows that the girl is right underneath, and could probably he heard if she screamed. But she won't. Because Karlberg can control her. Sometimes, she does bad things. Karlberg is confused. What shall he do if he gets tired of her? What shall he do if she's no fun anymore?


infos sdn


Regarde le douleur
Seeing Sorror
Seeing Sorror

Martin Winther
2011 | 0:15:00

Peut-on vraiment voir et comprendre le chagrin profond de chacun? Un jeune homme essaye de comprendre le chagrin de sa copine après qu'elle ait eu à subir un avortement.


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Souvenirs du printemps
Memories of Spring
Memories of Spring

Jesper Quistgaard
2012 | 0:17:00

Memories of Spring, is about the feelings of emptiness that can occur when the children leave home. Deeply distressed by the departure of his daughters and unable to share the hurt with his wife, Thorbjørn becomes increasingly moody and irritable. He engulfs himself in memories of his daughters when they were small and has visions of them playing in a spring field.


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L'art de passer une pont
The Art of Crossing a Bridge
The Art of Crossing a Bridge

Asgar Lindgart
Danemark, Suède, Cuba, Espagne
2012 | 0:15:10

The happy love relationship between a Danish woman and a Cuban immigrant is heavily perturbed by the out coming fact, that he is already married and has a child in his country.


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Peau profonde
Skin Deep
Skin Deep

Troels B. Larsen
Danemark, Suède, Cuba, Espagne
2011 | 0:18:30

Une jeune femme vit dans l'ombre de la maladie chronique de sa mère. Elle cache un triste secret. Un jour, ses sentiments supprimés éclatent.


infos sdn




5 - 16 Octobre 2012

Le FISDN présentons une série de programmes orientés sur des pays et régions différentes. Cette section honore une découverte et une exploration de différents espaces et cultures. Le but est de comprendre les spécifiés des situations régional sur le plan existentiel, politique ou social, de reconstruire le relief émotionnel et intellectuel d'une région ou d'un pays pris à part. Dans ce travail critique, nous avons préféré les films qui refusent, dans la forme et dans les moyens d'expression, le recours aux modes normées de la restitution du réel, les films qui résistent à cette période de "globalisation" qui tend à imposer un modèle unique de culture et de moeurs.




Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -