sdn sdn
sdn sdn

The 7th International Festival
Signes de Nuit

April 2th - 5th, 2009
June 17th - 28th, 2009

MK2 Beaubourg
Cinéma Archipel
Centre Culturel Irlandais
Goethe Institut
Fondation Suisse
Goethe Institut
Goethe Institut
Maison de l'amerique Latine
Maison de Brésil
Mairie de Paris
Mairie de Paris

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Focus Finland
Wednesday June 24th, 2009 / 9 pm
Institut Finlandais



Kauko Lindfors
2007 / 0:12:34

A highly subjective experimental documentary that shows how a human brain becomes more and more sick while experiencing appropriate care. The film is based on actual facts.


infos sdn


Always decent
Aina kunnollinen
Always decent

Katja Pallijef
2007 / 0:20:00

The 70’s. Elvis dies. Arents divorces. He establishes an introductory theory in mathematics. A documentary about "the confusion a child experiences when facing facts of life(?) ". Fully based on the archives. es années 70.


infos sdn


Summer Child
Kesän Lapsi
Kesän Lapsi

Iris Olsson
2007 / 0:59:00 / VOSTF

During the summer, a Finnish couple welcomes a Russian orphan who lives 60 miles away. Geographical proximity is all that Sveta, of 11 years old, and this generous couple, have in common. Sveta does not speak and the couple is struggling to push her out of her shell, speaking to her in Finnish, a language she does not understand. They communicate rather through story-telling before turning off the light, transferred in shops and beekeeping. The summer child of the summer explores intrigued and reveals the roles associated with charity. Good intentions are sufficient to acclimate Sveta in the western world and give her a childhood? The film points to the cultural and economic gap between Finland and Russia, through the difficulties that Sveta encounter to create a contact with Tiina and Peter and to speak freely, going beyond the barriers of her status of orphan and going beyond the status of a charity accomplishment.


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Milla Moilanen
2007 / 35mm / 0:15:00

Viewpoints on the western ideals of beauty in the dim light of history, aesthetic surgery and the standards of human form.


infos sdn


April 2th - 5th, 2009 / June 17th - 28th, 2009

We present film series focused on different countries and regions. This section intends to discover and explore different spaces and cultures with the aim to understand the specific regional, political and social circumstances, do reconstruct the emotional and intellectual spécificities of a special region or country. In this critical work we belief it's essencial to prefer films which rufuse, in its form and expression, the retake of sterotype ways of reality restituition, as an act of resistance in the actual period of "globalisation", which inclins to impose one dominating model of culture and habitutes..




Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -