The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Urbino
April 5-6-7, 2017
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Friday 7, April 2017 / 5.30 pm
Accademia di Belle Arte
Sala degli Incisori
Piazza della Repubblica
Urbino, Italy
This is what it is
Esto es lo que hay
Léa Rinaldi
France, Cuba
2015 | 1:40:00
This vibrant film about Cuba’s leading hip-hop band, Los Aldeanos,
captures the country’s complexity and contradictions. This is a rare
music documentary that goes beyond its enthralling performances to
take a close, candid look at the realities of daily life. Rinaldi’s
vision, like the music she captures, is at once political and poetic.
It's a film abot resistance and media manipulation, about not only
Cuba, but Maiami, USA, about inner conflicts of peple living in an
ambivalent state. |