Main Award
Night Shift
* |
Jury Declaration |
For the very precise and emotional observation of one
of these night workers, who rarely are noticed or even
compleatly ignored by the travelers.
Zia Mandviwalla
New Zeland
2012 | 0:15:0
Salote, an airport cleaner starts another long night shift. She keeps her head down, does her job and gleans her survival from what others leave behind. No one would usually spare her a second glance.
+ d'infos |
Special Jury Mention
A Simpler Life (Et enklere liv)
Jury Declaration |
For the intrusion, in this Nght Festival, of a playful funny movie,
shoot in daylight and under the summery sun!
Gunhild Enger
2013 / 0:15:00
Ing-Marie and Carl are fully occupied. She exercises, he looks after the garden. They surround themselves with devices to simplify their lives, which just makes things even more complicated. The sun is shining, the machines are running, and Carl and Ing-Marie have stopped comunicating.
+ d'infos |
Special Jury Mention
Jury Declaration |
On the thematic level, this film describes the existancial state
of loneliness among other people. The film is characterised
by a slow tempo-rhythm, that gives to the spectator the
opportunity to concentrate on the main character, but also on his own
way of being. We also note an impressiv editing. Especialy
the image/sound connestions create new significations.
Sebastian Mez
2012 | 0:25:40
Driven by dolor, a man returns to Sao Paulo after living for years in the desolate countryside. The big city, a place he had left long ago and that he now hopes will help him forget his current pain and find something to make life worth living again. It is the effort of a man desperate to kill off an increasing sense of inner emptiness, and to render life fulfilling once again.
+ d'infos |
The Signs Award
Jury Declaration |
The Signs Award honors films, which treat an important subject
in an original and convincing way.
For the importance of the subject - the war in Afghanistan - with
a subtil treatment of emotion and an astonishing film editing. |
Marcin Kaminski
2012 / 0:16:00
The ninth contingent of the Polish Military force in Afghanistan arrived in 2012. A Polish sapperis killed during routine patrol and the news quickly spread to the Polish base. How will the soldiers react to the terrible news? Will it be possible to hold back the rising tide of violence? A penetrating observation of war’s reality and the day-to-day lives of all the actors on that stage, including all hapless innocents.
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Mention for the Signs Award
Ebb and Flow (A onda traz, o vento leva)
Jury Declaration |
For the originality of treating the communication problems
of deaf and mutes and the challenges of a man who refuses to be beaten.
Gabriel Mascaro
Brazil, Spain
2012 / 0:28:00
Rodrigo is a young deaf man from Recife, northeast Brazil who works installing car stereos in a small dealership on the outskirts of the town. Despite his deafness, sound penetrates his day-to-day life and he harnesses its vibrations, allowing it to pulse through his veins.
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The Night Award
The Peach Blossom Land : For a Rich Man
Jury Declaration |
The Night Award honors films, which are able to balance ambiguity
and complexity characterized by enigmatic mysteriousness and
subtleness, which keeps mind and consideration moving. |
For the satirical and surprising way proving,
that the in the title announced «Peach Blossom Land» does not match
with reality, at least not for the non-wealthy ones. The film provoce us
to reflect about the absurdity of our society of consumation.
* |
Mai Mai
2012 / 0:17:00
After Tao Yuanming, we found the peach blossom land again. Do you want to experience the beauty of Utopia? Have your money ready?
+ d'infos
Mention for the Night Award
Mountain in shadow (Montanña en sombra)
Jury Declaration |
For the original way this poetic film treats the mountain
as a fully fledged being, avoiding all the clichés of touristm
Lois Patiño
012 / 0:14:00
A poetic view into the relationship of immensity between man and landscape. We contemplate, from the distance, the activity of the skiers on the snowy mountain. The pictorial image and the dark and dreamlike atmosphere transforms the space into something unreal, imprecise, converting it also in a tactile experience.