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11th International Festival
Signes de Nuit

October 10th - 20th 2013
Cité Universitaire
Bd. Jourdan, 75014 Paris

Résidence Lucien Paye
Maison du Portugal
Maison de l'Italie

Maison Heinrich Heine
College de l'Espagne
Maison du Japon
Home Page

Focus: Armenia
Program 2

Day: Tuesday, 15th October / Time: 9 pm
Place : Maison de l'Italie at the Cité Universitaire / Paris

Les (différents) Mondes à l'honneur

October 10th - 20th 2013
We present film series focused on different countries and regions. This section intends to discover and explore different spaces and cultures with the aim to understand the specific regional, political and social circumstances, do reconstruct the emotional and intellectual spécificities of a special region or country. In this critical work we belief it's essencial to prefer films which rufuse, in its form and expression, the retake of sterotype ways of reality restituition, as an act of resistance in the actual period of "globalisation", which inclins to impose one dominating model of culture and habitutes.

Loading my Life

Harut Shatian
2013 | 0:34:12

The film is about a student, a young family man, about a deadlock for a sick man, who tries to find some bright sides in his life. A few days before completing his military service the character develops diabetes and is dismissed as ineligible. Here all his problems start. Institute, family, child, everyday obligatory injections. The young man with no means for medicine has to commit a crime. Debts, employment search, na?ve and careless steps are some real preconditions to imprisonmen.

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My Border

Armen Khachatryan
2012 | 0:59:00

In this poetic drama, given framework by the passing seasons, filmmaker Armen Khachatryan details the minutia of everyday comings and goings of a border town following the Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict of the 1990s.
An injured buffalo is recovered by villagers and taken back to the farm, where it is regarded as a stranger by the other animals, farmers and refugees. Through this supposedly insensate beast – and without dialogue as a tool – Khachatryan contemplates the lasting effect of war on his people.


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Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 - cood.int@signesdenuit.com