sdn sdn
sdn sdn

The 13th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Paris

November 26 - December 6, 2015

cite universitaire
cite universitaire
Maison de l'Argentine
Maison Heinrich Heine
Maison du Japon
Maison du Norvège
Maison des etudiants Canadiens
Maison des étudants Suédois
Institut Goethe
Institut Finlandais

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Program Nocturne # 4
Focus Armenia # 1
Saturday, November 28, 2015 / Midnight (Night to Sunday, November 29)
Maison de Portugal - Résidence André de Gouveia
Cité universitaire / Paris


Orphans of the Genocide
Orphans of the genocide

Baret Maronian

United States
2013 / 1:31:35

Orphans of the Genocide is an emotional visual journey through never-before-seen archival footage and discovered memoirs of orphans who lived through the last century’s first, fully documented and least recognized Armenian Genocide of 1915.
The documentary follows Maurice Missak Kelechian whose research findings unveil the site of an Armenian orphanage located at the present day Antoura College near Beirut, Lebanon where 1,000 Armenian Genocide Orphans had lived and were forcefully converted and “Turkified” during W.W. I. In addition to the Antoura site, the documentary unveils numerous other orphanages where Armenian orphans were housed – and profiles one orphan girl who was adopted and later became one of Turkey’s high-profiled national icons as the daughter of Ataturk, the founder of modern-day Turkey. The documentary traces the lives of many orphans who lived through the horrors of a war, losing parents and being separated from siblings and shipped to various countries.

Extrait :
infos sdn








November 26 - December 6, 2015

The FISDN presents film secions focused on different countries and regions. This section intends to discover and explore different spaces and cultures with the aim to understand the specific regional, political and social circumstances, do reconstruct the emotional and intellectual spécificities of a special region or country. In this critical work we belief it's essencial to prefer films which rufuse, in its form and expression, the retake of sterotype ways of reality restituition. This refuse is an act of resistance against the actual period of "globalisation", which inclins to impose one dominating model of culture and habitutes.


Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -