Le 14e Festival International
Signes de Nuit
24 Novembre - 4 Décembre, 2016
****** |
Internationale Compétition
# 6 |
Samedi 26 Novembre / 20 h
Mains d'Oeuvres
Paris |
The Scarecrow |
Phillip Rhys
2015 | 00:12:15
A recently divorced man confronts the rocky shores of loneliness after
a day spent with his adolescent son and an encounter with his ex-wife.
Wolfspelz |
Wolvenvacht |
Louise De Groef
2016 | 0:26:00
Soo Min, a young South Korean woman, is struggling to find a balance
between her family and her career as a cellist. After a long absence,
it is hard for her to resume her place in the family and she feels she
has to compete with her six-year-old daughter for her husband’s love.
E.B.C 5300 m |
Léonard Kohli
2016 | 0:15:00
"EBC 5300m " is a film about the Everest Base Camp. The camp, set on a
glacier, is assembled and dismantled every year for a period of 2
months. Between guides, cooks, government officials and guests, it
houses a little bit less than 1,000 people. The film, throughs
ambiences, shows the life and organization in the camp, and exposes
the contrast between this ephemeral micro-city and the wild and
mystical environment in which it is located.
It purpose a reflection on the overcrowding of the most prestigious
and most widely summits and the emergence of extreme forms of
American Reflexxx |
Ali Coates, Signe Pierce
2014 | 0:14:00
A social experiment with performance artist Signe Pierce who walked
the streets of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in a sexy tight dress and
mask. Director Alli Coates and Pierce agreed not to communicate until
the experiment was over, but never expected the terrible responses. A
technicolour spectacle that elicits questions about gender
stereotypes, mob mentality and violence in America.
Une Nuit au soleil
A Night under the sun |
Etienne Larragueta
2016 | 0:18:00
Alors que les blessures de son passé ne sont toujours pas refermées.
Mara prend conscience que sa sœur pourrait aussi être victime de la
même violence silencieuse. Elle décide de ne pas rester dans le
24 Novembre - 4 December 2016
Les courts métrages venant du monde entier seront évalués par un jury international. Le festival sélectionnera des films qui traitent d'un sujet important d’une manière originale : des films souvent ambigus, complexes, énigmatiques, et qui invitent à la réflexion ; ces films exceptionnels , d’une esthétique nouvelle , nous font percevoir l’inquiétante étrangeté du monde moderne.