Le 14e Festival International
Signes de Nuit
24 Novembre - 4 Décembre, 2016
****** |
Internationale Compétition
# 8 |
Dimanche 27 Novembre / 16 h
Mains d'Oeuvres
Paris |
Scrapbook |
Mike Hoolboom
2015 | 0:19:00
The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with
the lambs. And the young boy will lead them.
Lensed in Ohio’s Broadview Developmental Center in 1967 by secret
camera genius and audio visual healer Jeffrey Paull, Scrapbook tells
the story of audacious autistic Donna Washington in her own words, as
she encounters pictures of one of her former selves fifty years later.
Respite |
Adriano Cirulli
Italy, Great Britain
2015 | 0:20:00
Who needs a home and family when you've got four wheels? A man leads
an organized life. He jogs each morning, works in the office nine to
five, picks up the laundry once a week. True, he lives in his car, and
he hasn’t seen his wife and daughter for a while. But don’t we all
need a little break from the world every so often? Part character
study, part road movie, RESPITE is the atmospheric story of a
modern-day hermit.
Agharta |
Frederico Klumb
2016 | 0:12:30
Agharta is a kingdom lost in time. Some say the path to Agharta leads
to the center of the earth. None know if Agharta is the surface.
Leeches |
Sethi Payal
2016 | 0:26:00
In the chaotic old city of Hyderabad, 16-year old Raisa hatches a
dangerous & improbable plan to save her younger sister from becoming a
one-day bride.
The Indifference of Wind |
La Indifferencia dei viento |
Ruben Guzman
2015 | 0:17:00
Portrait of a simple life amidst the Patagonian steppe.
El Polinzador |
David Pantaléon
2016 | 0:04:10
"If bees would disappeare from the surface of the globe man would only have four years of life left. without bees there would be no more pollination, nor plants, nor animals, nor man" Albert Einstein
24 Novembre - 4 December 2016
Les courts métrages venant du monde entier seront évalués par un jury international. Le festival sélectionnera des films qui traitent d'un sujet important d’une manière originale : des films souvent ambigus, complexes, énigmatiques, et qui invitent à la réflexion ; ces films exceptionnels , d’une esthétique nouvelle , nous font percevoir l’inquiétante étrangeté du monde moderne.